Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 749

Chapter 749


Sabrina playfully accused, Are you not going to confess? Youre trying to trick money out of Trevor!

Jennie giggled and said, Alright. I admit it.

Why would you do it?

Jennie pouted. Well, hes vying for your attention.

Right in front of Jennie, Sabrina swiftly transferred the Lunch money to Trevor and messaged him. My apologies. Jennie didnt realize how much lunch would cost.

Jennie was taken aback by Sabrinas action. Puzzled, she asked, Why did you send him the money? Didnt he insist on covering the bill?

With sincerity, Sabrina responded, Yes, Jennie, Trevor did offer. But you need to think about his financial state. Hes just started interning; spending too much isnt good for him.

Maybe you didnt consider that, but as his friend, I need to. I know youre closer to your uncle and not a fan of Trevor. Thats fine.

But its crucial you dont single him out. Hes a friend to me. You might be too young to get some things, and I wont blame you for that, but I will guide you.

With a pout, Jennie conceded, Okay, I promise I wont do it again.

Thats my girl.

Before long, a message from Trevor popped up. Please, Let me cover this. Its on me.

Previously, Trevor had accepted the payment, hoping itd provide another opportunity to spend time with Sabrina. But repeating that would seem rather disgraceful now.

Nonetheless, Sabrina responded, Accept it this time around. You can make it up next time, deal?

Okay! Without a second thought, Trevor shot over a cheerful emoji, showcasing his delight.

If it meant another chance with Sabrina, he was willing to set his pride aside.

Sabrina playfully accused, Are you not going to confess? Youre trying to trick money out of Trevor!

Jennie giggled and said, Alright. I admit it.

Why would you do it?

Jennie pouted. Well, hes vying for your attention.

Right in front of Jennie, Sabrina swiftly transferred the Lunch money to Trevor and messaged him. My apologies. Jennie didnt realize how much lunch would cost.

Jennie was taken aback by Sabrinas action. Puzzled, she asked, Why did you send him the money? Didnt he insist on covering the bill?

With sincerity, Sabrina responded, Yes, Jennie, Trevor did offer. But you need to think about his financial state. Hes just started interning; spending too much isnt good for him.

Maybe you didnt consider that, but as his friend, I need to. I know youre closer to your uncle and not a fan of Trevor. Thats fine.

But its crucial you dont single him out. Hes a friend to me. You might be too young to get some things, and I wont blame you for that, but I will guide you.

With a pout, Jennie conceded, Okay, I promise I wont do it again.

Thats my girl.

Before long, a message from Trevor popped up. Please, Let me cover this. Its on me.

Previously, Trevor had accepted the payment, hoping itd provide another opportunity to spend time with Sabrina. But repeating that would seem rather disgraceful now.

Nonetheless, Sabrina responded, Accept it this time around. You can make it up next time, deal?

Okay! Without a second thought, Trevor shot over a cheerful emoji, showcasing his delight.

If it meant another chance with Sabrina, he was willing to set his pride aside.

So, whens our next catch-up? Trevor inquired.

You can decide about that.

Noticing Sabrina and Trevor chatting, Jennie snorted disapprovingly before briskly strutting off to the bathroom.

Using her smartwatch, Jennie dialed Tyrones number. When he answered, she whispered, Uncle Tyrone, Im at Aunt Sabrinas apartment.

Do you want me to pick you up now? Tyrones voice came from the phone.

Okay. Uncle Tyrone, I think

So, whens our next catch-up? Trevor inquired.

You can decide about that.

Noticing Sabrina and Trevor chatting, Jennie snorted disapprovingly before briskly strutting off to the bathroom.

Using her smartwatch, Jennie dialed Tyrones number. When he answered, she whispered, Uncle Tyrone, Im at Aunt Sabrinas apartment.

Do you want me to pick you up now? Tyrones voice came from the phone.

Okay. Uncle Tyrone, I think

